There isn’t much I dislike more than stink. Ick. I try to fight the stink as much as possible. I have bought every candle known to man, plugins (which aren’t very safe), and chemical filled fabric refreshing sprays, and they work just fine. I wanted something a little less chemically (that’s a word – well, it is to me). I did some research, and it seems that baking soda is the one natural ingredient that really has the power to neutralize odors. That’s great, but I like pretty smells too. I have finally come across the best smelling solution on the planet, and today I’m going to share with you how to make your own fabric refresher spray … a natural cleaning trick!
I start by adding 1 tablespoon of baking soda to a clean spray bottle. You can buy these for $1 at The Dollar Tree or clean out an old spray bottle thoroughly and recycle it. Next I add two cups of warm water, put the lid on and shake until the baking soda has dissolved.
Now I take the lid off and add 10 drops of lavendar essential oil. I love the smell of lavendar, but you may not….no problem…just use a different scent, like maybe lemon? Put the lid back on and shake well.
Now, spray your fabric or just spray it all around the air! I use it on curtains, bedding, pillows, furniture and my rugs. It smells like Heaven, and I don’t have to worry about spraying chemicals all over the house where my family lives…that’s what you call a win – win!