The smell of the delicious pineapple glazed ham fills the house. Don’t forget to grab the biscuits out of the oven before they burn. The table is covered with warm delightful dishes of food you have been preparing all day. The table is set with your very best dishware and china. Everything is ready. Then you walk back into the kitchen and it hits you. Oh look at this mess! As wonderful as everything looks and smells, you realize it will not be as wonderful cleaning up the mess. Ideally a cleaning service would come in and take care of that for you, but in case that is not an option we want to give you a few tips to help you out.
Here are a few steps to help keep things in order as you go:
– Keep the refrigerator cleaned out as you go
– Keep the sink filled with warm soapy water
– Clean up each station as you go
– Try to cook cleanly
– Keep a dish towel on you at all times
– Use any wait/down time to clean up anything you haven’t got to yet
– Clear out the clutter
– Run the dishwasher as often as needed
No one wants to spend their holiday evening cleaning up. Try to keep up with the mess as you cook. Then you will be able to sit down and enjoy the yummy baked apple pie with your loved ones!
Winter is coming and the last few warm day’s are going fast. Don’t forget to take care of your outdoor equipment, including you’re grill. We all pay good money for these, and i can show you how to make them last. If you follow some easy steps, it will be so easy to clean your grill! The barbecue grill can get very messy. It can get filled with dirt, pollen, dust and many other gross things. Try using an outdoor cleaner that works wonders on stainless steel. A lot of grills are made of stainless steel. Let the cleaner work its magic for two minutes or more. Wipe the cleaner off with a magic eraser and rinse the grill with a hose. Most of the dirt will come off but some stains will linger. You can remove nasty stains using steel wool. Proceed to cleaning the grates and the covers with the help of a wire brush. Rinse the grates with a lot of water. Check and clean every nook and cranny of the grill then let it dry in the sun (otherwise some parts of the grill will rust on the inside). For better results wipe the outside of the grill with some olive oil. It will shine as if it is brand new. If you clean your grill on a regular basis you can use it for many years; high maintenance will always pay off. Happy Cleaning!
When it comes to home maintenance, the cost of restoring often exceeds preventative care and that’s because what may be only a small problem now could become a big one later. Neglecting to clear a leaf-choked gutter could result in wood rot and spread mildew. A poorly maintained heating system may eventually spew toxic fumes or stop working entirely on a cold day. And cracks in walls and windows (besides creating nasty drafts) are an open invitation to pests and water.
Annual fall maintenance is more than convenience; it’s also a smart investment strategy. Many homeowners are getting their homes professionally inspected in the fall and keeping a running record. Everyone needs a history of their home, and when you go to sell, having one could make or break the deal. It helps prospective buyers see evidence of the repairs you’ve made over the years. Every time you make repairs or renovations, it’s a good idea to take a video or photo of the results and save the details in your computer.
Although you should call a specialist for certain jobs, here are jobs you can do yourself.
Clean gutters and drainage spouts.
Protect yourself first by always wearing gloves—animals or insects can hide in gutters. A gutter scoop is a convenient tool for removing leaves and other debris. Then place the garden hose in the downspout to flush it out.
Inspect your roof.
Look for signs of deterioration (loose shingles, rotting wood, cracks, etc.). Carefully trim heavy branches that are hanging over your roof. (A falling branch could hurt someone, cause a blackout or damage your roof. If you’re using your chimney, flying sparks could possibly ignite overhanging branches.) If the branches are near power lines, call a professional tree-trimming company to do the trimming; they may need to ask your power company to temporarily disconnect your power before they start working.
Check all windows and doors.
Remove summer screens and install storm windows and doors. Inspect and repair any loose or damaged windows or door frames. Install weather stripping or caulking around windows and doors to reduce drafts too. If you discover signs of deterioration such as moisture on surrounding walls or dry-rot damage, call a certified home inspector or restoration specialist immediately.
Clean your heating system.
Replace the filters in your furnace. Check for air leakage around the joints. And consider having an air-conditioning and heating specialist check your entire system before winter sets in. If you don’t already have one, install a carbon-monoxide detector near all appliances that burn fossil fuel, but be sure you install it in an area where you’ll hear the alarm if it’s triggered.
Check the smoke detector.
Some people wait until they reset their clocks during Daylight Savings Time to inspect their smoke detectors, but if you missed it in the spring, don’t wait another month—check them now. Press the button to make sure it beeps and replace batteries if necessary. Most smoke detectors signal with an automatic beep when the battery gets low, but it’s always good to check on an annual basis. Smoke detectors should be replaced every 10 years; batteries should be replaced every six months.
Secure the cracks.
From skunks to insects to other critters, your home can fall prey to unwanted invaders. Before they start seeking shelter from the cold, inspect the perimeter of your house for cracks or holes where they could enter and then seal well. Clean and lubricate the garage-door hinges, rollers and tracks to make sure the door closes securely. If you detect evidence of animal activity, such as urine odors, unexplained gnaw marks, feces or footprints, consult an exterminator.
Are you wondering what to get your sweetheart this Valentine’s Day? Having a hard time coming up with something he/she will really love? No need to worry any further! We can help you with that! Did you know that Minch Professional Cleaning Services, LLC offers gift cards? Let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want the gift of a nice clean home to sit back and relax in? Our gift cards are offered in any denomination you prefer. Not sure how much to get your gift card for? No need to worry about that either. We have trained professionals available at the office who can help with that too. See how easy we can make this for you! Just pick up the phone and call today because Valentine’s Day is just around the corner 🙂
We have all said it at least once in our lives. “This year I resolve to get my house organized and clean.” It sounds really good when we say it too. Problem is actually following through with the statement. We know that we really do have great intentions but typically they start out strong only to fizzle as time goes on. Maybe it’s because we don’t actually set a plan up to use and follow up with. Well we want to help with that. We have put together a plan of action for you to follow so you can keep up with it. We know life gets crazy at times, but we simplified this plan as best as we could to help keep your home clean and organized.
This plan that we developed will help you distinguish between daily, weekly and monthly cleaning necessities as well as set organization goals. And the best part is if you happen to veer off course, its pretty simple to hop back on track. We recommend writing it out, maybe on a dry erase board. Truth is your less likely to forget about it, if it’s placed in a highly visible location. Here is a list of how we broke it down for you:
There are a few things that should really be done on a daily basis. These things are simple and can be done throughout the day. They are: make the bed, put all dirty clothes into the hamper, wipe down sinks and counters in bathroom, open mail then toss/organize as needed, wipe down sinks and counters in kitchen, wash all dirty dishes, spot vacuum or sweep high traffic areas (if needed), and pick up any toys/clutter around the house.
Typically weekly chores have an assigned day to complete them. Assigning them to a certain day helps create a routine and in turn your more likely to keep up with them. Things to complete weekly are: laundry, changing bed linens, scrub stove top, clean kitchen appliances, disinfect counter tops, doorknobs and handles in kitchen and bathrooms, wipe down all mirrors throughout house, wash/clean any throw rugs, deep clean shower walls and tub in the bathroom, scrub toilets in bathrooms, dust all furniture throughout the house, vacuum all carpeting, sweep and mop all floors, sort through any paperwork that has accumulated during the week (file what needs to be and trash the rest).
Monthly cleaning is when you really have to get down and dirty. No it’s not fun but at least it’s only once a month. The things that need cleaning monthly are: clean the refrigerator inside and out, clean all ceiling fans, wash all floorboards, vacuum all furniture, wipe down walls as needed, dust all air vents, clean windows throughout the house, clean office areas (keyboards, monitors, etc), organize any family rooms or kids toys, and organize your paperwork that you have filed already (keep whats needed, trash what is not).
Organization Goals:
If you have an area or more that you want to get really cleaned up and organized, set up a realistic goal to achieve with it. Pick a day of the week and a time limit to work on it. For example maybe every Thursday for 2 hours you clean up the attic. Keeping it realistic is important. Life happens but it will happen much smoother if you are clean and organized.
We here at Minch Professional Cleaning Services, LLC would like to wish you and all of your families a Happy Healthy New Year! We hope 2013 is good to everyone!
We here at Minch Professional Cleaning Services, LLC would like to send our deepest condolences to the families and the community that were affected by the tragedy in Newtown, CT. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you during these very difficult and trying times.
We have all been there. Your sitting around either watching TV or playing on the computer, and then a phone call comes saying “We’re in the neighborhood, and are going to stop by”. Wait. What?! You realize your home is no where near ready for company! So the panic sets in! Then you start running things through your head “I have to straighten up the bathroom, but I have dishes in the sink, oh and the living room needs to be vacuumed”. Yep we are pretty sure everyone has experienced this some point. And with the holidays being here, it is definitely more likely to happen now then ever. So we wanted to give everyone a quick guide to helping you get through that crazy stress. And who knows maybe you will only need 1 glass of wine by the time they actually arrive instead of 3.
All hands on deck! Anyone who is home has to help out. Consider having everyone meet in one area, like the kitchen, then delegate the chores as necessary. Some areas to focus on are the main bathroom, the entry way, and the main living area. Try to get rid of any clutter in those areas as well. Don’t forget to make sure all your toiletries are stocked as well as clean hand towels in the bathroom.
Always have either cinnamon rolls or slice and bake chocolate chip cookies in your refrigerator. You can easily bake them in a minute’s notice.
Get yourself dressed! We usually get so caught up with prepping our home then we forget we are still in our pajamas and maybe haven’t even brushed our hair yet. Have no fear, jeans, a sweatshirt and a baseball hat will do just fine!
Why not have some music playing to set the tone! Dock you iPod or turn on your radio and set it to a low/medium volume. Holiday music is always a great choice this time of year or try to go with something a little milder then your child’s choice of Gangnam Style.
We know its much easier to read this list and think to use it next time then to actually use it. But we wanted to find a way to help or at least try too. Just remember no one is perfect and neither is their home. A messy home is a home that is filled with love and loved ones. And sometimes its better to have a lived in home, then an empty home.
It’s no secret that accidents come along with holiday parties. Whether it is a juice spill by a child or a grown man spilling his wife’s wine, the question always comes up “what is the best way for me to remove this stain?”, especially when a professional cleaning service in Bucks County won’t be able to get there right away. I have compiled through extensive research some sure shot ways to get red wine out of carpets this holiday season.
When dealing with carpet colors like light beige or white start by blotting the wine stain with a clean cloth or paper towel quickly to absorb as much liquid as possible. Then try diluting one tablespoon of ammonia in one cup of warm water. Get the stain wet with the ammonia and water solution, allowing it to sit for about five to ten minutes. After that use a clean cloth to again blot the stain, hopefully by this time the red wine will be gone.
Another home remedy that can help is table salt; sprinkle the salt onto the stain while the stain is still wet. As the liquid is absorbed, the crystals will begin to turn red or pink in color. Leave the salt on overnight or a minimum of six hours and then vacuum. In most cases, this red wine stain removal technique will work very well. Finally, moisten the wine stain again generously with club soda, blot the stained area and then sprinkle with salt, when the area is dry pull out the vacuum and clean up the rest of the salt.
If this does not work you may just need to call a cleaning service in Bucks County to put the finishing touches on the stain. But at least you know that you tried and didn’t let the wine sit and soak deep into the carpet. It always feels good to alleviate a problem on your own, don’t hesitate to ask for help from house cleaning companies in Bucks County.