The smell of the delicious pineapple glazed ham fills the house. Don’t forget to grab the biscuits out of the oven before they burn. The table is covered with warm delightful dishes of food you have been preparing all day. The table is set with your very best dishware and china. Everything is ready. Then you walk back into the kitchen and it hits you. Oh look at this mess! As wonderful as everything looks and smells, you realize it will not be as wonderful cleaning up the mess. Ideally a cleaning service would come in and take care of that for you, but in case that is not an option we want to give you a few tips to help you out.
Here are a few steps to help keep things in order as you go:
– Keep the refrigerator cleaned out as you go
– Keep the sink filled with warm soapy water
– Clean up each station as you go
– Try to cook cleanly
– Keep a dish towel on you at all times
– Use any wait/down time to clean up anything you haven’t got to yet
– Clear out the clutter
– Run the dishwasher as often as needed
No one wants to spend their holiday evening cleaning up. Try to keep up with the mess as you cook. Then you will be able to sit down and enjoy the yummy baked apple pie with your loved ones!