Why Dusting Your Home Is Essential
Dusting your home is essential!
Not only is dusting essential for you to have a clean home, but eradicating the dust produced from pet dander, pollen, and other substances can actually help to reduce the possibilities that you or a member of your family will have allergies. So, as you dust, remember this tip—left to right—top to bottom—no backtracking!
Dusting Tips
You can make the use of used fabric softener sheets for dusting as opposed to using the more expensive cloths. Remember to look up at the ceiling, in the corners and overhead light fixtures, and skylights for those irritating cobwebs that may sporadically come falling down when you have guests over! Also, don’t forget to dust you ceiling fans—lots of dust regularly accumulates on them!
On Fighting Hidden Dirt…
When it comes to dusting baseboards, you can put on old socks, spray a bit of cleaning fluid on them, and then slide your feet along the baseboard (sticking your toes into corners to get the hard-to-reach dust!) Besides cleaning, this method is also good for getting some exercise!
Pleated Shades, Miniblinds, and Louvered Doors…
To eradicate dust, wipe a new paintbrush over the slats vertically, then horizontally. After you are done, clean your brush.
Realistically, most of the time you cannot get your vacuum to reach these areas, so you can use a mop, broom handle, or a fishing pole and cover it with an old shirt to clean them.
Air vents…
Fuzzy dust and cobwebs stick to heating and air conditioning vents. Make sure that you vacuum carefully to suck up any dust.
Yup, the inside of your dishwasher gathers dirt, dust, and gook! To remedy this you can pour a cup (more or less) of household vinegar into the bottom and run the cycle to clean.
Finally, make sure to remember this vital tip before you start!
–Work left to right—top to bottom—no backtracking!-